Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Verdict is in . . .

Crisis Averted - Salvaged Salmon - the freezing trick worked!

Bulletin from the Skinny Gourmet Guy test kitchens: If you get carried away as I did with the wet ingredients when preparing Salmon Sliders merely freeze them overnight.  Seven hours or so before cooking, transfer the frozen slider to the fridge.  An hour before cooking I put the slider on the counter - and soon found that I should put it back in the freezer, which I did.  They really do defrost quickly.

Easy Dinner

When you prepare and freeze Salmon or Tuna Sliders in advance you have an easy dinner ahead.  Just add frozen peas, cherry tomatoes and fresh garlic and you've got dinner.  Not to mention inexpensive.  I made three Salmon Sliders from a pound of Scottish Salmon which cost $12.  So, that's $4 a slider.  The price of the frozen peas, etc. is negligible - the frozen peas are less than $2 per package and I only used a portion.  The cherry tomatoes were $1.99 per package.  And the cloves of garlic cost pennies.  You can cook dinner in less than 5 minutes.  The Tuna was a bit more expensive - $15 for the pound I purchased - but still I got 3 Sliders out of it, so that's $5 a slider.  (Skinny and a whiz at math!!!)  There's a scoop of lentil salad on the plate as well - the container was $5.99 at Citarella.

The Salmon Slider cooked very quickly - two minutes on each side

I have already waxed poetic about my beloved cast iron skillet because I was afraid the Slider would crumble over the ridges that give those wonderful grill marks.  So, in this case I used my flat pan with the non-stick coating.  It's from Le Creuset.  This brand is a tad expensive but you're getting quality.  The Slider stayed intact and I still got a nice charring. 

I'll continue to post any missteps in the kitchen, gentle readers - and hopefully have the satisfying outcome as I did last night.

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