Monday, October 10, 2011

Guilt Free Fried Chicken

Looks like fried chicken, tastes great, but skinny-friendly

I love this dish.  To be honest, I really don't like fried chicken - it's usually greasy and sits in your stomach like a lump for the rest of the day.  Places like Popeye's and KFC have to use MSG in their batter because every time I've had them I have nightmares.  It's been years since I've tried either place, so maybe their recipes have changed.

I never understood why people pound boneless chicken breasts flat.  Chicken paillard calls for pounding them down and frying them quickly.  I like thick, juicy chicken breasts, and this recipe guarantees that.

The triumvirate - flour, egg white and panko (bread crumbs)

First, wrap the breasts in paper towels and press firmly - you want the breasts as dry as possible.  Don't pound out the breasts - leave them as they are - nice and thick.  Next, dredge through flour, dip in egg white and dredge through seasoned panko (Japenese bread crumbs - they look like Rice Krispies).  I like to add my own seasonings to the panko (I don't think panko even comes seasoned like bread crumbs do).  In this case I used Herbs De Provence, dried thyme, Myer lemon zest, salt and pepper.

Make sure the breasts are well covered with the panko mixture

Sautee on both sides in extra virgin olive oil and a pad of butter

Sautee the breasts on both sides until golden brown - about 2 minutes on each side.  Transfer to pre-heated 350 degree oven (pan and all - make sure it's oven safe) and finish the cooking - about 10 minutes.  This way it's crispy on the outside, but cooked all the way through.  It would be raw in the middle if you just sautee.

I served roasted broccoli and tomato on the side 

Dinner for three

Unexpected guests

Dinner is served!

My friends Gary and Michelle dropped by unexpectedly when I was preparing this dish.  The boneless chicken breasts come two to a package and I usually cook one for myself and freeze the other for a future dinner.  But in this case I cooked both - and it was enough to feed the three of us.  The grocery bill for the chicken, brocolli and tomatoes was about $9 - not bad for dinner for three!

I served a rose with dinner - it went nicely with the chicken
Notice Hubbell in the background hoping for scraps!


2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 cup flour
1 egg white
1 cup panko or regular breadcrumbs
1 tspn Herbs De Provence
1 tspn dried thyme
1 tspn Meyer lemon zest
1 pad butter
2 tbspns extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 lemon


Place the flour, egg white and panko in three separate dishes (plates for the dry, bowl for the wet)
Add Herbs De Provence, thyme, lemon zest, salt and pepper to the panko and mix well
Dredge chicken breasts through the flour, shake off excess, dredge through egg white and panko
Make sure the breasts are well covered with the panko mixture
Meanwhile, heat a sautee pan that can go from stovetop to oven
Add oil and butter
Carefully place the breasts in the pan; sautee on both sides until golden brown - about 2 - 3 minutes each side
Transfer to 350 degree oven
Bake for 10 - 12 minutes
Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the chicken
Serve and enjoy

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